It's a sad day in the Associated Content community. One of our most successful and beloved Contributors, Regina Sass, has passed away. She will be greatly missed by her many readers and friends.

Regina was a passionate gardener who enjoyed sharing her wealth of knowledge, gleaned over more than 50 years of gardening. Her readers' gardens are surely vibrant and beautiful, thanks to Regina's recommendations. Regina was also a pet lover who often wrote about unusual or new dog breeds, pet health, and animal rescues throughout the country. Regina was recognized as one of the top 10 Contributors on Associated Content in 2009.
A writer's legacy can hardly be summed up in a single blog post, so we'd like to share with you some of our favorite articles published by Regina over the years. There were many to choose from; in a little over three years, she published 2,797 pieces of content.
Regina's careful advice will walk you through this landscape beautification project easily, whether or not you have any landscaping experience.
The summary written for this piece of content says it all: "There is no limit as to how high you can go with a little bit of practice." Regina applied that philosophy to her writing.
Regina's fondness for her own family shines through in this fun article encouraging families to be active together.
Wine appreciators will recognize one of their own in this article about an unusual wine grown under unique conditions.
Part memoir, part news, this is Regina's very first contribution to Associated Content. In it, she recounts her excitement as a then-Queens resident when the Mets won their second world series, and her fondness for the team as the 2006 All Star Game approached.
Bringing this list full-circle, here is Regina's last article written for Associated Content. In it, she again generously offers up her gardening expertise, as she did so often over the years.
Please feel free to share your memories of Regina and any favorite articles of hers in the comments section. We at Associated Content will miss her dearly. Our sincerest condolences go out to her family and friends, who will remain in all of our thoughts.
My thoughts are with Regina's family. Regina was such a knowledgeable woman and I enjoyed reading her gardening articles. She will be sorely missed by so many.
I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. She wrote on a wealth of subjects! I hope her family gains support from knowing how much she was appreciated and how much her readers gained from her writings.
I am sorry to not have known Regina's genius writing. My thoughts are with her family at this time.
PS: if she's gardening in heaven, she should look my dad up. I'm pretty sure he's in charge of weather and they might get along just fine!
RIP Regina!
Although I hadn't heard of her, upon visiting her site, I see she wrote some great pieces on fascinating topics... Wish I had discovered her before this...
RIP Regina---thanks for all the great articles:(
Wow, this is such sad news. Regina will most definitely be missed by many, including myself. I remember commenting and messaging with her. She was one of the people I connected with on AC early on. Her passion and knowledge will keep her alive in all our hearts. My thoughts and prayers go out to all who will be affected by her passing. She was an awesome person.
What sad news. I am very familar with her work. My thoughts and prayers are with Regina's family.
Much peace to her and her family.
Although I was not familiar with Regina or her work, I am touched that AC made a point to remember one of their writers. Clearly, she was devoted to writing and helped many people with her articles. My thoughts go out to the friends and family during this difficult time.
I am very sad to hear this news. Regina was an outstanding writer!
I hope her family can find some consolation in reading the words she penned so beautifully.
She was a terrific part of the community here!
Oh dear, I'm so sorry to read this! Is there an online guestbook we can sign? Love to the family...
It's always sad to loose a member of the AC family. Thank you for passing on the word.
I'm sorry for her family's loss, but I appreciate the fact that as a writer, she is immoratlizeed by her own skills.
I will miss her greatly !! She was a fascinating person as well as an amazing writer. Thoughts go out to her family. We will all miss you Regina !
I offer my condolences to Regina's family and hope that knowing how much she was appreciated by so many who never even met her will offer them some support.
My prayers go out to her family. I didn't know her, but I am saddened by this news.
I hope you are in less pain wherever you are, Regina :(
She was admired and loved and will be missed. My heart goes out to all of her friends and family.
My thought and prayers go out to Regina's family and friends. I'm so sorry for your loss. Regina was a talented writer and a helpful addition to AC. I always enjoyed reading her work.
I think they should have someone continue to post on her account so that the account is always active. That way her family continues to recieve the money from that.
I am very sorry to hear about Regina's passing. My deepest condolences to her family. She will be missed.
So sorry to hear ...
Sending prayers for peace and comfort for Regina's family and loved ones. Grateful and proud to have been Regina's friend and colleague.
My thoughts and prayers are with her family. She wrote with great passion about so many things.
I just saw this. She's going to be so missed! My thoughts are with her family. She's among the first writers I met when I began writing at AC in March 2009. She was such a talented writer and I loved reading her articles. A sad day for AC, her family and the many friends and writers who knew her. RIP Regina!
You will be greatly missed Regina! Love and blessings to the family.
Hi, I'm Regina's son Michael. I just want to thank everyone in the AC community for the support and words of kindness. Mom loved writing for AC, sharing her love of nature, gardening, animals and of life in general. The experience also allowed her to find out fascinating information on subjects she hadn't known much about before and some which she'd never even heard of which she would then share with me. I'm proud to know that Mom will live on in the hearts and minds of so many through her writing.
Barbara Lobachewski said..
I knew Regina when she lived in Forest Hills,NY. She was kind and loved her dog very much. I am happy she found something this rewarding in her life.(This was in the 50's, 60's and 70's)
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