Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Insider's Preview of Associated Content's New Look!

The preview of Associated Content's redesign is currently available to all (but only) registered Content Producers. Have I mentioned that we're thrilled and excited?

When you land on your account page tonight you'll see a blue bar on top of the screen that says "New look for this page coming in 2009" and a blue bar below the "My Information" bucket on the right side of your account page. Click on it!

This preview will be up for the next couple of weeks and registered users be able to toggle back and forth between the classic AC and the new look.

Highlights of the redesign include:
  • Improved home page and site navigation
  • Newly designed content pages
  • Enhanced CP profiles with content filters
  • Engaging content channels with a new "CP Spotlight"
  • New custom content widgets and social bookmarking features that make it easier than ever to share AC content all over the Web
I spoke with Leonardo De La Rocha, AC's VP of Creative about the new design. He says, "I’m particularly excited with the overall look and feel of the new site! The redesign will offer a more polished, professional and inviting presentation that speaks to how Associated Content has become a “grown up” media site."

Take the next couple of weeks to play around and get familiar with the new look and navigation on AC. Provide feedback or report any problems you experience by emailing community@associatedcontent.com and, of course, post here and let me know how you feel.

Finally, please join me in thanking everyone at AC who has been (and still are) working tirelessly to make this happen.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Its simple and easy to use. Plus its pretty.

Lyn Lomasi said...

I love the new redesign! It has a more professional look and is very user-friendly.

I especially liked the new front page and the content category pages. I like the box to the right on the content category pages that features new CP's and popular CP's. That is a great idea because it brings attention to new writers who may not have gotten attention before. It also rewards high-performing CP's with extra attention. I also like the fact that featured articles now show who the author is.

OK, really I just like the whole thing. The article pages are much better because there is definite attention to the content.

There seems to be more attention to the content, as well as the authors in all aspects of the redesign.

Thanks to everyone who worked on (and is still working on) the new redesign, either directly or indirectly. It is greatly appreciated.