The new photo uploading process is easy: from your profile editor, browse to find a high-res photo on your computer and crop it into a square. Note that existing profile photos that are smaller than 200 pixels in width may have been removed or distorted in the transition. To solve this, simply upload a new photo that's 200x200 pixels or larger.
To feature content on your profile, simply click the +Feature button next to any piece in your library. You can feature up to 15 pieces and update the widget any time!

Other cool things:
> You can now filter any profile by content category using the drop down menu on the right side of the page.
> From your profile editor, you can now list up to 10 affiliations on your AC profile (the previous limit was 3). Add links to all your social media profiles and blogs so that your audience knows where to find you online!
What do you think?
Your Associated Content profile is a showcase of your talent, and we want to make sure it's something that you're proud to share with your friends and followers. Once you've uploaded a new picture, featured some of your favorite content and tested out the other new tools, please take a minute to fill out our survey and leave some feedback. What do you like about the new profile? What should we change? Anything that doesn't work as it should? Let us know!
I'm waiting a few days before doing the feedback to see if there's anything I don't see now but I'm here to tell you, I am so pleased with this upgrade. It seems like just little changes but it has made a great big difference. I love it. Great job, AC!
I wanted to fill out the survey again but it would not allow me.
There is a problem on the back on my article and the words go over each other. This is on the top of the edit page. It is a goof in the setting. I hope I made it clear, if not, please look at the back of any of my article pages. This is why in the front side the information I mentioned in the survey is printed on top of the words below my name.
I was having so much fun with the profile yesterday that I forgot to leave a comment here. So, that about sums it up. lol
The only thing I saw not working was the affiliation section. I added 10, but only 3 show up.
But I'm sure that's just a kink in the rollout.
Thanks so much to the tech and design teams for the new profiles! I love seeing everyone and it's also interesting to see which articles people are picking to feature.
I like the new Profile, but don't like the larger photo.
I published an article on the new Profile Featured Content Display.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Profile (Featured Content) Display"
The new page is great--still trying it out! Just one problem-- yesterday I chose some articles to be featured, but today I find the featured section gone! If I try to "feature" an article now, nothing happens! Hope it's some temporary technical glitch! Thanks!
I'm having lots of fun featuring content, and filtering by category, reminding myself of all my old articles. In doing so I saw Halloween articles I think I should feature, but the feature buttons have gone away in the bottom 2/3 of my content. Probably a temporary glitch?
Anyway, thank you for my "brand new" me. Very slick!
I find the profile picture changes inconvenient and rather unfortunate. This "upgrade" has forced my profile page to regress in professionalism to the novice or amatuer level based purely on the lacking photo. And, it is unfortunate that I am incapable of changing this fact because I have no pictures that are High Res. In fact, the picture I had up, was by far the best professional picture I have had taken in 10 years.
While the features addition is interesting and useful, the changing of CP photos is a sucker punch to those without HIGH RES access.
How do you filter by category? What is the affiliation section Lynn is referring to?
I'm liking the "new look" immensely. Especially the featured content capability.
Thank you.
My featured articles are back! Not sure what happened, but many thanks to the tech team/admin@ac! A couple of queries: like Lyn, I find only 3 affiliations showing up. Also, I don't see the "comments" (other contributers' messages).
Thanks again!
My "featured articles" section has vanished again! Same problem as I'd reported on the 27th!
I like the picture and the featured article section. Why does it say that I have only 1 article for content when I actually have 30???
so far so good, but I need to play with it for a bit, Love the new larger image, and the additional afflictions, also who the page layout is shaping up... will do the survey in a day or two.
Absolutely love the new profile page. The larger photographs are wonderful, as you can actually SEE what the writer looks like now, and I love the Feature box and also that we can find articles via category.
Awesome design, AC. Please keep as is :)
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