Approaching the end of 2008, the news around the media industry has been uniformly dismal.
National media companies are getting the most attention. Just this week, the Tribune Co. moved into bankruptcy, the New York Times borrowed money against its new headquarters, Gannett's newspapers may be lowering their home deliveries and CBS merged and CNET in a move that will be accompanied by layoffs.
Many places online aren't making out much better. Layoffs at Yahoo and ongoing cuts at Gawker Media made big waves recently. Even the dynamic Blogher organization announced that they'll be lowering their rev share program for their affiliated bloggers by 10% in the beginning of 2009.
I've got to toot Associated Content's horn for a minute here. We've made record payouts to record numbers of Content Producers for the past 3 months. We will pay out $1 million to our CPs by the end of 2009. Where other media companies are laying off workers, we're "hiring" new ones every day. The number of opportunities on AC are only increasing and we're pretty proud of that fact in a time when many media organizations are more focused on survival than growth.
Our Content Producers are a big part of that success and we're thrilled with your work so far this year. Keep it up, and 2009 should be even better than 2008.
5 hours ago
Really, it does not surprise me that AC continues to go strong. Associated Content is a great place to satisfy more than one need.
Creative types can speak their 2 cents and gain the satisfaction that someone heard it.
Article writers have a unique opportunity that just is not available at any other site that buys content. There absolutely is no site like AC out there.
Then, of course, tons of information (or laughter, tears, entertainment, or all of the above) can be gained simply by reading an AC article.
Plus, there's the added ability of sharing with and learning from other writers. AC is a great place to learn, grow, make friends, and of course, make money.
Thanks AC.
I wish you the best of luck, but really you don't need that wish. Luck is already on your side.
I stumbled upon Associated Content and I am really glad I did! I just joined 2 months ago and it is so much fun! I am telling everyone I know about it! I live in Denver and the Rocky Mountain News announced they are up for sale - if someone does not purchase them, they may close down in the next couple of months. Times are hard. Every dollar counts & AC really challenges me by providing incentives to continue writing - all while earning a little extra cash!
I need to do some more digging behind the scenes to learn more about promoting content and brush up on my writing. I love AC's resources too!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
As the economy tightens, AC should be going stronger than ever. Relevant info is there, just waiting to be discovered, from job hunting tips to free games, recipes, news and more.
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