Do you know what a reborn baby doll is? A reborn doll is a toy baby doll that has been modified so that it looks and feels like a real human infant. Although you may not be familiar with the trend, these eerily realistic-looking dolls were already popular enough this past January to merit a British documentary about the dolls and the women who collect them. See clips from the documentary called "My Fake Baby" at the British Channel 4 site here.
Creating these realistic-looking babies is a craft project that many reborn enthusiasts like to undertake themselves. The process of turning an everyday baby doll into a reborn is called reborning.
If you're charmed (rather than frightened) by these little ones, Associated Content has several very helpful how-to articles that provide a step-by-step guide to making your very own infant lookalike. Recommendations on the best type of doll, where to purchase it and other supplies you'll need are in this two-part article by Lolaness. Here are Parts One and Two.
Reborning is a long, involved process that involves changing the doll's eyes, adding hair, eyelashes and fingernails. The thorough reborn maker will even add things like a breathing apparatus or heat pack to make the living baby illusion more complete. Once you've created or purchased a reborn, you can find care instructions here in this article by dwb.
Does the "fake baby" industry strike you as creepy? You're not alone. Charlotte Piggush explores popular reactions to reborn dolls in her article here. Reborn proponents say they're comforting to mothers who have recently lost infants and to grandparents who want to recapture the feeling of cuddling a newborn child. They've even got the potential to become a popular Christmas gift this season, if buyers can afford the price tag, which can approach $1,000.
Head to AC at this link to see all of our reborn doll-related content. Share your opinions on this trend in the comments!
2 days ago
i think reborn dolls is becoming a very hot topic now a days.
Reborn dolls are great, but there are so many people that turn their noses up to them! thank god for some sensible people!
Most people think of them as creepy at first but if you can look at them from an artistic point of view you'll have to admit that they are amazing works for art. The reasons people collect reborn dolls is not for us to judge. If it brings them joy, then more power to them.
Not only are the reborn babies fun to collect but they can be very theraputic, especially for women. Studies have shown that holding and cuddling a baby, whether a real baby or a realistic baby, releases hormones in the body that promotes emotional well being.
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