The preview of AC's redesign has been up for a few days and our community has been very vocal in sharing their pleasure and their concerns, in almost equal measure.
The Forum has been buzzing. Michelle L. Devon's thread, started just moments after the preview went live, has passed 150 posts and is still going strong. Check it out here and add your two cents.
Please remember, bug reports and similar issues are best sent to community [at] associatedcontent [dot] com rather than just stated in the Forum. It's an organized and efficient way for us to process everything.
We've gotten lots of private messages and emails, too. With the authors' permission, I have put a few of the happy reactions below.
Aly Adair's was the first and possibly the most enthusiastic response. "I LOVE THE NEW LOOK! The content pages and profile pages look SO much more professional and more like other popular media sites. WHAT A GREAT JOB you all did on this!!
CP Ashley said that she likes the way her homepage looks, and L.L. called the design "crisp and professional."
Cathy, a relatively new AC-er, said "I haven't been here very long, but I plan on becoming an up and coming Content Producer and I love the change!"
Work it, Cathy!
And, finally, Michael wrote and gave props to the design and engineering teams at AC, "Whoever did the design needs a raise for this effort." Are you listening, management?
I could go on, but you get the gist of the communication that we've had thus far regarding Associated Content's new look.
5 hours ago
"Please remember, bug reports and similar issues are best sent to community [at] associatedcontent [dot] com rather than just stated in the Forum."
HUH? Y'all can't read a forum thread and glean the same information as trudging through a string of emails? Seems lazy to me. I'll tell you what, I'll copy/paste my forum comments into an email an shoot it right off. Sheesh.
It definitely is an improvement. Can't wait until it goes live! While I'm sure there will be some tweaking and such, this is very exciting news and likely the best change AC has ever rolled out!
Love and stuff,
I, like Michy, cannot wait until it goes live! I love the new look. It falls in line with (no, really is ahead of) other rich media content sites. I love the way AC combines, writing, reading, news, information, and the social scene all together and the new design will benefit that even more.
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