CP Ben Eubanks wrote an article in November '08 naming the "Best Talk Radio Shows of 2008." His expertise? He's got a desk job and listens to a great deal of talk radio during his workday.
Ben named "The Rick and Bubba Show," out of Birmingham, AL, as the #1 talk radio show of 2008. He took it upon himself to contact the show's producer to let them know that he'd written about them in an article published on Associated Content.
Rick & Bubba were just thrilled. They hadn't recieved a single award in their 14 years of broadcasting the show because, in radio, "they're like the cousins that you act like you're not kin to." Ben gets a great shoutout from the pair. They're especially thrilled that they beat out Dave Ramsey and Glenn Beck for the win.
You can listen to the seriously funny show here.
(Thanks Michy for hosting the audio & linking to it from the Forum)
Ben's outreach to the Rick & Bubba show about his article was a great promotional idea on his part. If you write an article or post an audio or video feature about a local restaurant, business, event, radio show etc. and you think they might be interested to hear that you have to say about them, get in touch with them about it.
Email addresses and phone numbers are easy to find on most websites, and it is a fantastic way to raise awareness of your work. A link to your AC review on a restaurant's website or a mention on a radio program will drive new traffic to your Associated Content page, as Rick & Bubba surely did to Ben's article. If you need help with promotional outreach, send me (ac_laura) a private message and I'll get you started.
One last thing. Thanks to TechBrief for their post about AC!
2 days ago
This was so cool!
Whooohooo! congrats, Ben. Great job!
Hilarious audio there too!
Love and stuff,
Congratulations to Ben! This is awesome.
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